Light Up Learning (LUL) is a registered Scottish charity providing one-to-one mentoring for high school students in Edinburgh and the Lothians. We are dedicated to igniting a love of learning in young people and transforming the nature of education in Scotland. We put our mentees in charge of their own learning and help them build the resources, skills, and contacts they need to achieve their potential.

This has been a fantastic programme and initiative, and I can honestly say that, in well over 10 years of Senior Leadership, I can’t recall as positive feedback about this work as any other that I have been involved with… Lasswade are very fortunate to have your support and input.
— Alan Williamson, Former Headteacher, Lasswade School

Before Light Up Learning, I thought learning was pretty boring, but worth doing because you have to get a job to live a life. After LUL I see learning as an exciting opportunity to explore new things and get a job I actually want. I no longer see learning as something I just have to do, I see it as something I want to do.
— Mentee